I would like to focus on the Psalm reading to day. As you read these two short Psalms you see a theme of rejoicing in the Lord. In times like these it may be hard for your heart to rejoice. All of us are adjusting to every aspect of what we see around us. Change is hard, and no-one likes change. These changes are creating a lot of discomfort for all of us. Are you stressed? I could make a list of stresses and fears, but that would only stress us all more.
How can we rejoice? For me, it begins with throwing yourself into the arms of God. Each day we are really in God’s hands. It is just that we become more aware of our dependence in these situations. For me God showed up in big ways. When you look back you may discover that you had never been as close to God as during this season. It may sound cliché, but He is how we will get through this together. This is especially when anxiety and doubt feel overwhelming. Begin each day seeking the presence of God. Then look for the good. Don’t focus on what you have lost or could lose, count your blessings. Live in each moment, and enjoy every small moment. Also, you have to keep your sense of humor. I have found that laughter really is the best medicine. Be a bright light to others who are hurting. You would be surprised how much helping someone else lifts your spirits. Be productive, the anxiety is worse when you sit around. Find a way to exercise, even if it’s just a walk in the sunshine. You need those endorphins. Reach out to friends and loving family; Call them, FaceTime them, write them letters. You need community to lift you up and support you through your difficulty.