Background. My dad’s sister and brother-in-law, Marilyn and David Miller were missionaries to Ecuador. Every 4 years they would return home for furlough and fund raising. They traveled form church to church for support, and they would share stories of God’s work in an unreached region of the world. I loved hearing their stories from the Jungles of South America. As a child my vision of them was Indiana Jones on the mission field. Here is my favorite story my uncle David Miller used to tell.
One day my Uncle David and a villager were traveling along a tributary of the Amazon River in a canoe. Along the way they noticed a giant anaconda in a tree overhanging the river. They decided to chase the snake away, so they approached the snake and tried to dislodge it from the tree. The snake, realizing its peril released itself from the limb of the tree. When it hit the water it caused a wake that tipped the canoe over. David and the villager fell into the river. He was terrified. Not only was he in the water with this dangerous snake, but the water was also filled with Piranha. My uncle says that there are three people in recorded history who have walked on water; Jesus, Peter and him that day.
When telling the story, at the moment of this punch line he would pull the snakeskin out and show it to the congregation. This was usually met with shrinks, oohs and aahs! He never did say what happened next, but the skin was evidence of the encounter and his survival.
There you have it, the greatest snake story of all time. Thank you uncle David.